All Nucleus services may be used for lawful purposes only. We prohibit transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any New Zealand or United States law. This includes copyrighted material, threatening or obscene content, pornography and sex-related selling. Pirated software, illegal MP3s, hacking programmes and 'warez' sites are prohibited on Nucleus servers. Similarly, sites that promote any illegal activity or content that may be damaging to our servers (or any other server on the Internet) are prohibited on Nucleus servers. Links to such materials are also prohibited. Sites or customers selling or promoting bulk email services or any 'spamming' services are prohibited on Nucleus servers. Libellous or slanderous material is prohibited on Nucleus servers. The customer agrees to indemnify and hold Nucleus harmless from any claims resulting from use of the service that damages the subscriber or any other party. We will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision.
Traffic Guidelines
We strive to provide fast and reliable service for all customers, and will investigate any deterioration in performance. If, in our opinion, a site is utilising an excessive amount of bandwidth we may take steps to restrict the bandwidth available to that site. If this situation arises, the customer will be contacted immediately to discuss the options available. These options may involve limiting access, moving to another Nucleus server, or paying additional fees for an enhanced hosting service. This policy ensures a fair service for all Nucleus clients.
CGI Scripts
If your account includes a CGI bin, you may use your own CGI scripts - however, we reserve the right to disable any CGI scripts that affect server operation or performance.
Other Programmes
Programmes that run continually in the background; chat rooms; IRC or IRC bots may not be operated on our servers.
Server Abuse
Any attempts to undermine or cause harm to a server is strictly prohibited.
Refusal of Service
We reserve the right to refuse or cancel service at our sole discretion.
Termination of Accounts
If any terms, conditions, or usage policies are breached it will constitute grounds for immediate account termination.
99% uptime guarantee
If for any reason (except for scheduled downtimes and hardware failures) our network or servers are down for longer than 1% in any month, you can request a 20% discount for your following month's services. |